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Patrick l'étoile de mer
Patrick l'étoile de mer
▪ post envoyés : 69
▪ prénom/pseudo : marion, sparrow
▪ célébrité : shantel vansanten, my love ♥
▪ copyright : © unicorn ( avatar )

MessageSujet: ♥ QUOTES AND MUSICS   ♥ QUOTES AND MUSICS EmptyVen 9 Sep - 18:51

So, let me just give up
So, let me just let go
If this isn't good for me, well I don't wanna know...

Let me be your sanctuary
Let me be your safe place to fall
I can take away your worries

And how was I to know
I'm not strong, I should have saved you
and oh I hope you know
that you're my home, but now I'm lost so lost

We're supposed to feel. We're supposed to love and hate and hurt
and break and be destroyed and rebuild ourselves to be destroyed again.
That is human. That is humanity. That's being alive.

trouble never looked so god damn fine.

you're the sea i drowned in and the forest i got lost in

from my eyes, from my sad mouth, you are the universe made flesh.

my body realigns, it's too much, i cannot handle this, i taste the pleasure on your lips, you make planets start to spin, i'm ready to ignite.

they say all good boys go to heaven but bad boys bring heaven to you.


some birds are not meant to be caged, that’s all. their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild.

boy i'll stop you right there, keep tryna shake me but i really don't care. ain't nobody tell me what to do, you know i've been breaking all the rules.

living beyond your years acting out all their fears you feel it in your chest.

i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited but i couldn't stay away i couldn't fight it i had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over.

the endless of darkness is hovering.

forces of gravity taking me, weighlessness forsaking me.

I've been down the darkest alleys. Saw the dark side of the moon, to get to you. I've looked for love in every stranger took too much to ease the anger.

and all your monsters in the night they come to life, so you embrace them in the hope that you'll survive.

and you, (you lay, awake at night and scheme) of all the things that you would change, but it was just a dream! the time will come, when you'll have to rise above the best, improve yourself, (your spirit never dies). farewell, i've gone, to take my throne above, (don't weep for me) because this will be the labor of my love.

my pain is constant and sharp, and i do not hope for a better world for anyone. in fact, i want my pain to be inflicted on others.

because sometimes, you don't see that the best thing that ever heppened to you is sitting there. right under your nose, because i've realized that. no matter where you are. or what you doing. or who you're with. i will always, honestly, truly, completely, love you.

in french, you don’t really say “i miss you.” you say “tu me manques,” which is closer to “you are missing from me.” i love that. “you are missing from me.” you are a part of me, you are essential to my being. you are like a limb, or an organ, or blood. i cannot function without you.

i woke up in tears with you by my side. a breath of relief and
i realized no, we're not promised tomorrow. so i'm gonna love you
like i'm gonna lose you and i'm gonna hold you like i'm saying
goodbye. wherever we're standing, i won't take you for granted
'cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time.

love isn't perfect. it isn't a fairytale or a storybook and it doesn't always come easy. love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. it is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without. love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute, every second of it was worth it because you did it together

i didn’t fall in love with you. i walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. i do believe in fate and destiny, but i also believe we are only fated to do the things that we’d choose anyway…

if you ask me how i'm doing i would say i'm doing just fine
i would lie and say that you're not on my mind but i go out and
i sit down at a table set for two and finally i'm forced to face the truth,
no matter what i say i'm not over you, not over you.

when i say i miss him, i don’t mean i just miss his presence,
and the memories that come with the thought of him. i mean,
i miss everything; from the late night phone calls, to the small
jokes and banter shared between us, the playfulness, the way i
couldn’t help but smile at the sound of his voice, his touch, or his
smile, oh how that smile can brighten the darkest of day. i miss
the way he walked and talked, the way he said my name, and mostly
the way he looked at me.

je l'ai aimée dés la première minute, pour un tout, pour un rien : un sourire mélancolique, un regard cristallin, une façon particulière de chasser ses cheveux derrière l'oreille, en tournant la tête comme dans un ralenti. puis j'ai aimé chacune des inflexions de sa voix, son intelligence, son humour, le recul apparent qu'elle avait sur son physique. par la suite, je l'ai aimée pour chacune de ses failles secrètes, pour son mal de vivre, pour ses blessures sous sa côte de maille. pendant quelques mois, nous connûmes un bonheur insolent qui nous projeta jusqu'aux plus hautes sphères : celle des moments suspendus, de l'excès d'oxygène et des vertige …

maybe i was destined to forever fall in love with people i couldn’t have. maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again.

i sometimes wish i’d had the courage to tell you how i felt. it could’ve gone two ways; my love could have remained unrequited, or it may have been two-sided after all. but at least i would’ve known. i wouldn’t have to live with the ‘what ifs’ and ‘buts’. i could’ve moved on. but here i am, still stuck, thinking about the possibilities of you liking me too.

it is you. it is fucking you. i cannot describe it anymore, it is you. you are the only one that i will ever want. i belong with you. you are my home. i look at you, and somehow i can see 50 years from now on the front porch of some old house in the middle of nowhere and we’re together. i need you. you are the only thing that matters. you are my good.

Je ne sais pas si c'est de l'amour, mais je suis prête à courir le risque de tout perdre pour pouvoir te dire, un jour, que je t'aime. Parce que ça en vaut la peine, tu en vaux la peine, et je veux que tu fasses partie de ma vie pour toujours.

Aujourd'hui, je me rends compte qu'aucun homme n'avait encore éveillé ce mélange de sentiments à l'intérieur de moi, en un temps si court. C'est à la fois inattendu et tellement beau, une foule d'émotions infinies, alléchantes sont nées en moi et qui me donnent envie de vouloir toujours plus. Une multitude de sentiments, de désirs me faisant prendre conscience de la pauvreté de ma vie amoureuse passée. J'ai rencontré l'amour par surprise et aujourd'hui je peux dire que je suis heureuse. Merci mon Dieu pour ce bonheur.

La jeunesse et la nature en avaient fait une relation fougueuse au début, cédant ensuite le pas à la complicité intellectuelle et à la tendresse.

Et si l'usure du couple, c'était avant tout l'usure de soi? Que l'on fait payer à l'autre... Un sous-produit de nos lâchetés. L'amour, ce n'est pas donner ce qu'on n'a pas à quelqu'un qui n'en veut pas, c'est donner ce qu'on devrait avoir à quelqu'un qui pourrait bien en vouloir! Voilà ce que je pense. L'amour fidèle n'est pas un sentiment ou une paresse, c'est un talent, une manière de défier la vie.

Ai-je jamais été aussi proche de lui qu'aujourd'hui ? J'ai beau connaître notre intimité, qui date du premier jour, qui ne s'est jamais démentie, qui donne tout son sens au mot fraternité, il me semble que notre proximité n'a jamais été aussi grande que dans ces instants qui sentent la fin.

J'essayais de montrer à tout le monde que je t'avais oublié, je pense en fait que j'essayais de m'en convaincre moi-même. J'étais même persuadée de t'avoir oublié. Puis, je t'ai aperçu avec cette fille. Je vous ai vu rigoler, parler, vous chamailler. Et là, j'ai ressenti une sensation étrange, une douleur. Et les larmes ont coulé... Là j'ai compris que je t'aimais encore, mais que la vie continuais, même si tu étais avec cette fille. Je me suis dit que moi aussi j'allais retrouver un autre garçon. J'ai donc continué mon chemin.

On apprend à vivre sans, à respirer sans et même à manger sans. On pense qu'on ne s'en remettra pas, qu'il était le seul à pouvoir nous rendre heureux, mais pourtant on avance. Avancer sans penser à rien, aucun projet, trop de regret. Des mois de perdus dans une tristesse, on s'enferme, on finit par perdre ceux qui nous sont cher. Il est pourtant temps de rebondir, rebondir pour rattraper le temps perdu, le temps qu'il nous a fait perdre !

Parfois, on dirait que c’était hier, finir le lycée, dire au revoir. Cette impression qu’on à 17 ou 18 ans, que personne dans l’histoire du monde n’a jamais été aussi proche, n’a jamais aimé aussi intensément, ni ri aussi fort, ni a compté autant.

L'amour est l'essence de la vie, son sens et son salut. S'il vient vers toi, garde-le et ne le lâche plus. S'il te fuit, cours-lui après. Si tu ne sais pas où le trouver, invente-le. Sans lui, l'existence n'est qu'un gâchis, un passage à vide, une interminable chute libre.

On a le droit de conduire dès 16 ans, d’aller faire la guerre à 18, de boire de l’alcool à 21, de partir à la retraite a 65, mais pour connaître le grand amour il y a pas d’âge légal.

On dit que l'amour est synonyme de bonheur et de prospérité qu'il reflète le sentiment entre deux êtres aimée, mais ce que l'on ne dit pas c'est que l'amour à un revers, il peut être la plus grande des souffrances et nous tourmenter de culpabilité. L'amour c'est un sourire des plus trompeurs que l'on cache le plus possible et pourtant malgré tout ce que l'on sait on ne peut qu'en redemander telle une ivresse de drogue qui nous fait comprendre qu'au final le dictons est vrai. L'amour rend aveugle, ils nous contraint à nous empêcher de voir la véritable réalité, car au fond il est toujours plus facile de croire en l'amour ou l'idée même de ce concept celle de croire que tout est possible et au fond tout le monde ne recherche qu'une véritable et unique chose aimer et être aimer en retour quitte à se voiler la face.

À ce moment précis, il y a 6 470 818 671 personnes dans le monde. Certains prennent peur, certains rentrent chez eux, certains racontent des mensonges pour s’en sortir, d’autres font simplement face à la vérité. Certains sont des êtres maléfiques en guerre avec le bien et certains sont bons et luttent contre le mal. Six milliards de personnes, six milliards d’âmes, et parfois, il ne vous en faut qu’une seule.

Un jour la mer aura emporté tout le sable. Les océans s’assécheront, et le soleil s’éteindra. Mais quand ce jour viendra, je t’aimerai encore. Mon amour sera éternel.

Celui qui meurt emporte un bout de ceux qui l'aiment avec lui, et c'est à ceux qui restent d'empêcher que tout ne parte avec.

Trouver les réponses n'est pas le plus difficile. La vie te les apporte, tôt ou tard. Le plus dur, c'est de continuer à vivre en les connaissant.

La mort est ce qu'il y a de plus probable, de plus inévitable et c'est cependant la chose la moins facile à recevoir, à admettre.

Il attend surement que je montre mes faiblesses, mes atrophies, mes incapacités, mes phobies, mes inaptitudes, tout le bataclan qui m'empêche de vivre comme tous ceux qui, dès le matin, sourient à la vie juste en soulevant les paupières; ceux qui sourient juste pour un rayon de lumière, juste pour l'odeur du café, juste pour un câlin.

Si on se laisse aller au désespoir, on finit mangé par les rêves qu'on a vécus de travers.

On ne sait jamais quel malheur nous attend, alors un bonheur est toujours bon à prendre.

C'est un univers parallèle, le chagrin, un monde abominable où les mots les plus doux, les gestes les plus nobles s'avèrent dérisoires, inappropriés, gauches, mortels d'inanité.

Il y aura toujours quelque chose pour détruire nos vies. La seule question est : « qu’est-ce qui va nous tomber dessus en premier ? » On est toujours au bord du gouffre.

On finit par survivre, on n'oublie jamais, la douleur est toujours tapie au fond de notre cœur, mais on finit par survivre.

La douleur, ça te fait souffrir mais çà ne te détruit pas. Le problème, c'est la solitude engendrée par la douleur. C'est elle qui te tue à petit feu, qui te coupe des autres et du monde. et qui réveille ce qu'il y a de pire en toi.

Je me demande combien de temps encore ces images vont rester nettes, limpides, avant de se déformer, puis de se brouiller, puis de s'effacer ; avant que je ne les oublie. J'aimerais les serrer contre moi, comme on serre contre soi un corps aimé, de toutes ses forces, pour le retenir. Mais je sais bien que, de la même manière qu'on ne peut retenir un amour, on ne retient rien de son passé, il s'échappe lentement, chaque jour davantage, et on ne choisit pas ce qu'on en garde.

does this darkness have a name? this cruelty this hatred. how did it find us, did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? what happened to us that we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return but knowing some will be lost along the way. when did we lose our way ? consumed by the shadows swallowed whole by the darkness. does this darkness have a name...is it your name ?

Il n’y a aucune honte à avoir peur, on a tous peur de quelque chose. Le secret, c’est d’identifier exactement d’où elle vient, parce qu’une fois que t’as mis un visage dessus, là tu peux lutter, tu peux vaincre tes peurs et même les apprivoiser et en faire des forces.

La vie ne nous doit rien, au contraire même je crois que c’est nous qui avons un devoir envers le monde.

Parfois je pense qu’on gâche nos mots et qu’on gâche nos moments. Et qu’on ne prend pas le temps de dire les choses qui nous tiennent à cœur quand on en a l’occasion.

Qui vous êtes est qui vous êtes, nous sommes des menteurs, nous sommes des voleurs, nous sommes des drogués. On prend notre bonheur comme acquis jusqu’à ce qu’on se fasse du mal ou qu’on blesse quelqu’un d’autre. Nous sommes rancuniers, et une fois face à nos erreurs, nous réinventons le passé, nous nous réinventons, du moins, nous essayons. Nous sommes fier et en proie à la luxure et nous sommes plein de défauts... Et finalement, nos défauts nous rattrapent.

À mon avis, lorsque l’on est confronté à des choix, que ce soit en acte ou en pensée, gardons à l’esprit que nous sommes mortels et tâchons de vivre de manière à ce que personne n’ait à se réjouir de notre mort.

Il en est de nos blessures comme des cauchemars, une fois qu'on les a racontés, leur emprise sur nous est moins grande.

you’re the light, you’re the night. you’re the color of my blood. you’re the cure, you’re the pain. you’re the only thing i wanna touch, never knew that it could mean so much. you’re the feel, i don’t care cause i’ve never been so high. follow me to the dark. let me take you past our satellites. you can see the world you brought to life.

i'm paralyzed i'm scared to live but i'm scared to die and if life is pain then i buried mine a long time ago. but it's still alive and it's taking over me where am i? i wanna feel something, i'm numb inside. but i feel nothing, i wonder why. and on the race of life time passes by. look i sit back and i watch it, hands in my pockets waves come crashing over me but i just watch 'em. i'm under water but i feel like i'm on top of it. i'm at the bottom and i don’t know what the problem is i'm in a box but i’m the one who locked me in suffocating and i'm running out of oxygen. i'm paralyzed ... where are my feelings? i no longer feel things. i know i should ...where is the real me?

how can i move on when your glance is enough for me to start shaking? how can i move on when your smile makes my stomach do somersaults? how can i move on when your presence makes me tremble and your voice makes me lightheaded? how can i move on when you grin like that after i smile at you? how could i have ever been so stupid to think that moving on from you would be easy when you never even leave my mind?

i think my problem was - i’ve always had this idea of what love was like, you know? i was so scared to fall in love because i thought i would only get hurt in the end. i guess i just never believed in happy ever afters. i thought love was biting your tongue and nodding your head and being who they wanted you to be. but god, then i met him and suddenly i felt like i could breathe again. he told me he loved me and i told him the same and i knew we both meant it. i knew it because i wasn’t afraid to dance in front of him. i knew it because anywhere felt like home if i was with him. because hearing his laugh made me feel like i was walking on water. because my hand felt empty without his. i knew it because i believed love felt like being in a cage. but then he loved me, and it felt like freedom.

perhaps my world does revolve around you. i always find myself seeing you in everything. no matter what i do you never leave my mind. even when i’m fixing myself some coffee i find myself comparing the colour to your eyes. baby you will never know how much i love you. you are like the sun, always bright and always there. oh what i would do to kiss your lips.

our relationship ended in the silence. it was the silence in the air that deafened me when you told me it was over. my head was filled with white noise, and my mouth was far too dry to even whisper out, s t a y

i wish i’d never laid eyes on him. i wish we’d never met .… if i never laid eyes on him, then i wouldn’t have fallen in love, and he wouldn’t have fallen in love. that may have made for two more lonely people in the world, but also a lot less pain and heartache for many, many others…. if it were a choice, who would choose this kind of love? so i wish we never met. but we did. and i tried. i tried and failed and tried and… failed again to hide, to stop loving him, but i couldn’t. i was weak. i hated myself. i wore this ring to remind me of my weakness. and i won’t ask for forgiveness. just don’t ask me to undo the past, don’t ask me to fall out of love with him, because if i could i would.

i miss you when i can’t sleep, or right after coffee, or right when i can’t eat. i miss you in my front seat. still got sand in my sweaters from nights we don’t remember. do you miss me like i miss you? fucked around, and got attached to you. and i'm always tired, but never of you. if i pulled a you on you, you wouldn’t like that shit. i put this reel out, but you wouldn’t bite that shit. i type a text, but then i never mind that shit. i got these feelings, but i never mind that shit. keep it on the low. you’re still in love with me,but your friends don’t know. i don’t mean no harm, i just miss you on my arm. you ever wonder what we could have been? you said you wouldn’t and then you fucking did. lie to me, get your fucking fix. now all my drinks and all my feelings are all fucking mixed. always missing people that i shouldn’t be missing. sometimes you gotta burn some bridges just to create some distance. i know that i control my thoughts and i should stop reminiscing.

i’m adrift, lost to the villainy of time and i keep hoping i’ll find my way back home, that i’ll be running right back to you. but i find myself forgetting what you sound like even though i have your voice echoing in my mind day after day. and i find myself forgetting what you look like even though i have your name burned into my brain. and i don’t want to forget you, because forgetting you means losing me. i think my heart was made to slot inside yours and i think my soul realized that long before my head did, but the myths, and legends and legacies that make the universe write, they don’t end happily, they end in blood and ruin and decay. and we both know that before you were swept away, we were beginning to be mythic. so, my love, i’m still holding out hope that i’ll see you again but i find myself wishing that we could begin in a better universe. because there we might have a chance to have a fairytale ending . but my love for you can withstand the shattering of space and your love for me can overcome the destruction of destiny. together, we can find each other in the area where fate refuses to dwell letting the song that’s been quiet since we were forced apart start anew.

you know what i’ve realized? the fact that we can’t unfeel something. we just get used it. like suppose we’re sitting on a cold surface, it’s cool at first but then it starts getting warmer. it’s not that the surface suddenly got hotter, it’s just that we got used to the coldness. or when someone gets stabbed with a knife. it hurts at first but then the pain disappears. it’s not that the knife is gone, it’s just that our body gets used to the knife piercing our skin. and now that i think about it, you know when you’ve been sad for so long that suddenly you don’t feel anything anymore? not happy, not angry, just nothing. it’s not that the sadness is gone. it’s just that we’ve got used it. or when someone keeps treating you like complete shit and after a while, you just don’t acknowledge it anymore cause you’re used to it. and that’s just really fucking sad. the fact that we get used to something so much that we completely forget it’s there.

i know you’re bad for me but i crave you even more. you came back into my life, and that fucks me up more than you leaving me. but it’s not the same, we don’t stay up late looking at how the earth captures stars ...we don’t look at each other in the halls anymore. you don’t look at me the same way as when you loved me. i miss you loving me, because I still do.

i should have left you the moment i saw you smile. or, that’s what i tell myself. i tell myself that your smile wasn’t the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen, but the opposite. it was the thing that ruined my life. the thing that took my happiness, pulled it from its core, and never gave it back. the thing that destroyed my heart in every way. am i being too dramatic? sorry. in all honesty, i did this to myself. i let you in, showed you where my happiness hid, told you what scared me, allowed your lips to wander my skin and show me love. you were so unexpected, but i thought you were so right. i thought we were supposed to have that one love story where you come into the sad part of my life just to show me what real happiness was like. and when i left, well i understand. understand i couldn't find happiness anymore, not with you so far away.

I JUST WANNA KISS HER LIPS AND TELL  HER SHE IS ALL I EVER WANTED at some point i needed to put it all behind me. forget about you. forget about the way you made me wonder. and what we could have been. because it never happened, and it always got later, morning always turned into nights and the day was eventually over and nothing had changed. but it doesn't mean that i don't feel a damn thing, i do still feel a hole in my heart when they talk about you, i do still want to scream when i hear you have another life with him, i do still want to feel your kiss on my skin. and i do still love you.

on some days i just feel your absence more than on others. i don’t know if it’s because missing you gets worse or because i need you or because i want to hear your voice and know i can’t. then there are days when i nearly forget about it: when i get to be blissfully ignorant for a couple of hours and don’t think about how you’re no longer with me. but then i remember that you’re gone and it’s like a punch to the throat, a kick to the chest that knocks the air from my lungs. on some days i want to feel the pain. i want to embrace it. i want to forget that it does get better and that time does ease the pain. yet it hurts. it hurts like it did on the first day. it hurts after a month and it hurts after a year. and in ten years it’ll hurt all the same.
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